Saturday, December 8, 2012


Well, here I am again. I say "again" even though this is showing up as my 1st post, because it's actually my 3rd try in three years at writing a blog that someone may find worth visiting and sharing in. Only time will tell if my efforts will prove any more successful this time than the last two, but I'm feeling good about the vision I have for this time around so we shall see. My "vision" is to share the thoughts that come to my heart and mind from my time in God's Word, from the books I read, and from anywhere and everywhere else I find a life lesson that adds to my walk of faith. My hope is that the lessons I learn will be good "Food For Thought" for others, too...and that's where the title of this blog comes from. There was a time when my walk didn't have a "vision" at all, and I spent most of it stuck in the mud and going nowhere. If I had to chose a word to describe how I saw my faith back then it would be one like lame, boring, fruitless, or maybe the most accurate would be to say it was just pathetic. That's where I was for my first 25 years as a believer, but then God touched my heart and started me moving forward in my relationship with Him and things have been so different since then it's hard for me to believe I'm even still the same man. Everything's been different since the day I truly surrendered the lead in my life over to God, and that happened on November 21, 2003. I had already found faith to believe in Christ 25 years earlier, but on that day in November I finally set Christ up as my Lord instead of just trusting in Him as my Savior. Maybe you have never heard that there's more to our Christian faith than just "believing" in Christ, but I want you to know that the difference in my life from declaring Him as Lord has been so much greater than what happened when I first believed that I honestly can't even measure it. It's been the difference between just living, and having that " more abundant..." as our Bible calls it. It's this "abundant" life that I'm going to be sharing about in this blog... So that's pretty much what I have in mind, even if I'm not sure exactly how that's going to take shape. I'm hoping that we'll answer that question together as we spend time sharing with each other here, so welcome...and I'm looking forward to our getting to know each other better as we go. See you again soon, Michael...

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